Medical Quiz

Pathology Endocrine Quiz

Hypersecretion of GH in adult

A. Acromegaly

B. Gigantism

C. Dwarfism

Select your answer:


Cardiology Medications Lymphatic System Nail Enhancement Physical Education and Health What is Psychology? Obstructive Lung Disease Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Breath Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Biochemistry Immune Response Parts of Human Body Health and Nutrition Genetic Diseases Heart Anatomy

Other quiz:

Health Care › View

Your role in the survey process includes the following except

A. providing quality care.

B. helping keep the agency clean.

C. following agency policy and procedures.

D. interviewing the family.

Hospital Wards and Departments › View

E.g. rashes, wounds, venereal diseases and skin cancers are treated here.

A. Dental and oral diseases

B. Dermatology

C. Development unit and projects