Medical Quiz

RDA Dental Caries Quiz

What term refers to tooth decay?

A. xerostomia

B. caries

C. fluorosis

D. demineralization

Select your answer:


Intravenous Fluid Therapy Gaseous Exchange in Humans Health and Wellness HNBS Intern Properties of Hair and Scalp Population Genetics Cosmetology Anatomy Restrictive Respiratory Disorders BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Functional Anatomy in Track & Field IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Oncology Food System & Nutrients DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins

Other quiz:

Medical Terminology › View

If a patient has hemialgia, what is going on?

A. They have pain in their legs and arms

B. They have pain in their head

C. They have pain on one half of their body

D. They only have a little bit of pain

Nervous and Endocrine System › View

Insulin is produced by

A. the liver

B. the pancreas

C. the kidneys