Medical Quiz

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

What are some diagnostic tests for pneumonia?

A. CXR, blood gasses

B. CXR, blood gasses, PFT

C. CXR, blood & sputum cultures, WBC count

D. CXR, sputum culture, tuberculin skin test

Select your answer:


Nervous System and Special Senses RDA Dental Caries The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Components of Blood Blood Groups Life Cycle - Bee Hospital Unit Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Disease Cards Surgical tech-safety Microbial Growth Musculoskeletal System Endocrine System Plasmid

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The highest resting difference in arteriovenous oxygen content is a characteristic of:

A. heart

B. liver

C. lungs

D. skeletal muscles

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Which function of the skeletal system will help the lungs keep from getting damaged if you fall?

A. Movement

B. Protection

C. Storage

D. Support