Medical Quiz

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

A chest tube is a treatment for which restrictive pulmonary disease?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Plural effusion

C. Pneumothorax


Select your answer:


Skeletal System Uses of Radioactive Radiation Dyslexia Foot Orthosis Vocab SPED Law-lympics Immunology: T cell Development Renal, Cancer, HIV Phlebotomy Circulatory & Lymphatic Patho_Genetics Food for Thought DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Asexual Reproduction Unintentional Injuries

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Knee Anatomy › View

The flat part of the proximal end of the tibia is called the:

A. Femoral Condyle

B. Tibial Condyle

C. Tibial Plateau

D. Medial Meniscus

Neuroanatomy › View

Which descending pathway of the medial activation system is primarily responsible for facilitating head movements to maintain equilibrium?

A. Corticospinal tract

B. Vestibulospinal tract

C. Reticulospinal tract

D. Rubrospinal tract