Medical Quiz

Physiology Quiz

Which of the following statements about coronary blood flow is the most accurate?

A. Coronary blood flow can increase 2-5 times more when compared to its resting flow

B. the heart, under resting conditions, removes up tp 25%-45% of the O2 available in the coronary

C. the myocardium receives most of its blood supply during systole, especially in the left ventricle

D. the intramyocardial pressure is the lowest in the inner layers of the ventricular wall and incresed

Select your answer:


Immunity in Humans Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Circulatory & Respiratory System Inflammation and Healing Lymphatic System Homeostasis Food System & Nutrients Biology for Engineers Erythrocyte Disorders Endocrinology Enzymes and Movement of Substances Vaccines Genes and Cells Pathology Inflammation Inner Ear Neuroanatomy

Other quiz:

Cardiorespiratory Endurance › View

Which list are benefits of cardio training?

A. Gaining Weight, Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis

B. Increase Risk for Diseases, Increase Life Span, Does not Improve Brain Func

C. Improves Athletic Performance, Improves Lung Capacity, Strengthen Heart

D. Sleep Improvement, Does not Increase Stamina, Shortness of Breath

Skeletal Pathology › View

surgical removal of cartilage

A. chondrectomy

B. laminectomy

C. bursectomy

D. synovectomy