Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which nervous system structure causes someone to have dry mouth and tachycardia after sustaining an injury from a car accident?

A. Central

B. Autonomic

C. Peripheral

D. Cerebral

Select your answer:


Psychiatry Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal T Cells Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Vessels Macromolecules & Nutrients Nucleic Acids EMR Pathophysiology Neurological Concepts Muscles and Healthy Body Bacteria and Viruses Blood Groups Organ Systems Muscle Anatomy DNA Structure and Function

Other quiz:

Atoms and Radioactivity › View

A radioactive nuclide has a ____ stable nucleus than a non-radioactive nucleus of the same element.

A. more

B. less

C. identical

D. small

Dementia › View

The picture is an example of loss of

A. visuospatial skills

B. verbal memory

C. language

D. attention