Medical Quiz

Forensics: Blood Quiz

Whose blood can you receive if you have type B- blood?

A. AB-, O-,

B. B-, O-

C. AB-, AB+, B+, B-

D. all blood types

Select your answer:


Common Respiratoty Diseases Dimensions of Wellness Cell Structure and Function Communicable Disease Nutrition Vocabulary Nutritional Trivia Inhalation Injury Virus Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Inherited & Acquired Traits Regulation of Heart Rate Nutrition and Human Digestive System Respiratory System Hematology BIOMEDICAL MCQ

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bronchogenic carcinoma (lung cancer)

A. progressive, chronic and usually irreversible condition which air flow to and from lungs is decreased

B. diseased caused by various conditions, resulting in bronchospasms

C. genetic condition that causes patient to produce very thick mucus resulting in severe congestion within lungs and digestive system

D. a malignant tumor that originates in the bronchi

Anatomy › View

When recruitment occurs, the number of motor units being activated

A. increase

B. decrease

C. stay the same