Medical Quiz

Health and Wellness Quiz

People have excellent aerobic fitness when they can engage in physical activity for a long time because of their:

A. dedication, motivation, and endurance

B. strength, strong bones, and strong muscles

C. proportions of fat, muscle, and bone

D. strong heart, lungs, and clear blood

Select your answer:


Molecular Basis of Inheritance Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Body Fluids Leaves Nutrition form 2 Gastroenterology Division of Microbiology Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Immune Response Cell Theory & Melanoma Muscle Tissues Viruses Biomolecules Biocomposite Musculoskeletal System Breathing ...Respiration

Other quiz:

Integumentary System: Skin Disorder › View

What do we call the first step of skin repair, also knows as a blood clot? It prevents additional blood loss and keeps bacteria from getting in.

A. remodeling

B. hemostasis

C. homeostasis

D. proliferation

Blood & Blood Vessels › View

Plasma protein that is converted to fibrin

A. leukocytes

B. lymphocytes

C. hemoglobin

D. fibrinogen