Medical Quiz

Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Quiz

What do we call the first step of skin repair, also knows as a blood clot? It prevents additional blood loss and keeps bacteria from getting in.

A. remodeling

B. hemostasis

C. homeostasis

D. proliferation

Select your answer:


Neurology Cancer (Bio II) Patho_Genetics Muscular System Movements Fluid and Electrolytes Mental Health Acute Responses to Exercise Human Genome and Bioethics Review Musculoskeletal Diseases Macro and Micro Nutrients Cartilage Immunology IBD Pulmonology Homeostasis Vitamins and Minerals

Other quiz:

Sources Of Food › View

We do not get this from plants or animals.

A. honey

B. milk

C. salt

Genetics › View

What’s Homozygous?

A. having identical pairs of genes for any given pair of hereditary characteristics.

B. Different things an organism can buy 

C. The price of something

D. A disease