Medical Quiz

CABG Surgery Quiz

Which of the following inhalational agents causes the least coronary vasodilation?

A. Halothane

B. Isoflurane

C. Desflurane

D. Sevoflurane

Select your answer:


The Musculoskeletal System Homeostasis Eye and Ear CPR PBS Routine Testing Nervous & Endocrine Systems Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Non-Communicable Disease -ology The Vascular System and Blood Flow Hematology & Blood Banking Immunity Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Mutation & Genetic Engineering Enzymes and Their Functions

Other quiz:

World Health Day › View

There are many vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. What is the best way for a person to get all of the vitamins and minerals that are needed?

A. Eat a variety of healthy foods.

B. Drink a lot of water.

C. Eat only vegetables.

D. Exercise everyday.

Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology › View

Tears are produced by the:

A. lacrimal apparatus

B. conjunctiva

C. eyeball

D. lens