Medical Quiz

Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Quiz

What kind of cell is this?
A.     animal
B.     Plant

Select your answer:


Sarcomere Anatomy Pulmonary System Heterotrophic Nutrition Regulating the Cell Cycle Bonding and the Periodic Table Bones Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Muscles and Healthy Body Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Bacteriology Heart and Blood Vessels Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Human Muscle RDA Dental Caries Child Growth and Development

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This junction acts as a button or snap between adjacent cells.

A. Tight

B. Adhering

C. Desmosomes

D. Gap

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The driving force regulating breathing is ________.

A. blood O2 levels

B. blood glucose levels

C. blood CO2 levels

D. Both “blood CO2 levels” and “blood O2” levels.