Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Quiz

A fracture in which part of the bone is sticking out of the skin is called

A. Greenstick Fracture

B. Compound Fracture

C. Convoluted fracture

D. Spiral fracture

Select your answer:


Reproductive System Vocabulary The Nervous System and The Senses Deficiency Diseases Pathology Endocrine Muscle Tissues Nail Enhancement Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Neuroanatomy CPR Transport system in Living Things (Human) Cell Structure and Functions Cardiorespiratory Endurance Respiration in Organisms Mycology Circulation and Excretion

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Bacteria is found almost everywhere.



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Bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen to the tissues.

A. Asthma

B. Emphysema

C. Cyanosis

D. Chronic Bronchitis