Medical Quiz

Microbio (Viruses) Quiz

Phage lambda attachment and entry into E. coli…

A. Involves a bacterial porin, LamB

B. DNA must pass through one membrane only

C. Starts with rolling circle replication

D. Requires cro protein

Select your answer:


Population Ecology Muscularskeletal System Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Branches of Medicine Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Cell Reproduction Blood Dental Caries Cell Injury The Skeletal System Body Defense Heart and Blood Vessels Communicable Disease Integumentary System Medical Terminology

Other quiz:

Injury › View

This injury is also know as… “runners knee”

A. Chondromalacia patella

B. Osgood-schlatter

C. Osteitis Pubis

D. Torn Meniscus

Nervous System › View

___________________ is the part of the brain responsible for reasoning, and use of the senses.

A. cerebrum

B. cerebellum

C. brain stem

D. hypothalamus