Medical Quiz

Connective Tissue Quiz

Connective tissue is found where?

A. everywhere – most abundant and widely distributed tissue

B. only on your torso –

C. near your joints

D. none of the above

Select your answer:


Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Body Structures and Organ Systems Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Excretion-Dialysis Sense of Sight Personal Growth Plan Consciousness and Sleep Bone Marrow Histology Nail Disorders and Diseases Facial & Dental Injuries Blood Groups Disease & Immunity Digestion and Microbes Cell Theory & Melanoma Parts of the Skin

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B. Medial tibial stress syndrome

C. Jones Fracture

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A. Decreased renal tubular resorption of protein

B. Decreased renal excretion of sodium

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