Medical Quiz

Human Physiology Quiz

Which cells secrete an anti-bacterial enzyme?

A. Acinar Cells

B. Paneth Cells

C. Zymogen Cells

D. Goblet Cells

Select your answer:


Organ Senses and Locomotor System Reproductive System Vocabulary Wellness & Influences Deaf Blind Sensory Disorder Vet Terminology Hele Skeletal System Medical Terminology Prefixes Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Human Body Systems Physiology PBS Routine Testing Pain Management Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Anatomy Muscles

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Which of the following is not associated with the production of urine?

A. proximal tubule

B. loop of Henle

C. collecting duct

D. Malpighian tubule

Biochemistry › View

When an atom has more or less neutrons than normal, it is known as a/an

A. ion

B. isotope

C. compound

D. molecule