Topics: Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Quiz
It is the system in your body that is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It sends and receives signals that tell your body and mind what to do.
A. nervous system
B. regimen
C. neuromuscular therapy
D. joint replacement
Select your answer:
Fitness Oncology Virus Factors Affecting Health Homeostasis - Vision Correction Diabetes Pathophysiology Biodiversity Cell Bio Immunity & Cancer CV System A&P & Pathology Homeostasis Dentistry Fainting and Nosebleed Tissues Vet Science Terms Enzymes and Movement of SubstancesOther quiz:
Cardiology › ViewWhat is the term for a sudden, severe onset condition that requires short-term care?
A. Dysrhythmia
B. Acute
C. Ischemia
D. Murmur
Cardiology › View
Myocarditis is ?
A. Inflammation of the heart
B. Inflammation surrounding the heart