Medical Quiz

Topics: Plant Biotechnology Quiz

Residents of North Carolina presently burn 5 billion gallons of imported petroleum-based liquid fuel per year. How would the state’s economy be affected if North Carolina could produce bio-fuels locally as a replacement?

A. Tax revenues would decrease.

B. Unemployment would increase.

C. The economy would decline due to exports.

D. The economy would improve with new jobs and tax revenue.

Select your answer:


Visual Impairment Renal Replacement Therapies Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Medical Terminology Biochemistry/Cells Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary HHB Immunology Macro and Micro Nutrients Pathology of Respiratory System Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Parts of Human Body A&P Musculoskeletal Cardiopulmonary Central and Peripheral Nervous System Respiratory Diseases

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Suitable attire for student to play?

A. Shirt pants

B. Shirt pants shoes

C. Shirt pants shoes and socks

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More than 2 recurrent seizures that separated by more than 24 hours

A. Seizure

B. Epilepsy

C. Heart attack

D. Stroke