Medical Quiz

Topics: ESR (RBC sed rate) Quiz

allowed to sediment at an angle of 18º and read at the appropriate time, the total analysis time is 20 minutes

A. Westergren method

B. Modified Westergren method

C. Alifax Roller 20-Sysmex

D. all of the above

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Healthy Living Vocabulary Diagnostic Tools Measles and Hib Health and Hygiene Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Year 7 Nutrition Carbohydrate Metabolism The Microbial World Parts of the Body Microrganisms Cardiovascular System Anatomy Genetics Nature of Science Water Macromolecules

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Microbiology › View

What is the primary function of Sabouraud agar in microbiology?

A. To differentiate between lactose fermenters and non-fermenters

B. To isolate and identify yeasts and fungi

C. To support the growth of fastidious microorganisms

D. To inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria

Forensics: Blood › View

Where are antigens found?

A. on the surface of red blood cells

B. in the plasma

C. on white blood cells

D. on the surface of platelets