Medical Quiz

Topics: Burns and Skin Cancer Quiz

The rule of _________ is used to calculate the percentage of body surface burned.

A. sevens

B. eights

C. nines

D. tens

Select your answer:


Salmonella vs E.coli Vaccines Gestalt Therapy Medicine Clinics Type 1 Diabetes The Ear Lipid Metabolism Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Heredity and Living Cells Digestive System and Nutrition Eyes The Vascular System and Blood Flow Endocrine System Terms Sports Medicine How the Eyes work

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What type of crisis in Sickle Cell Anemia is characterized by painless, lethargy, headache, fever, and anemia?

A. Vaso-occlusive thrombotic crisis

B. Splenic sequestration

C. Aplastic crisis

D. Acute chest syndrome

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Demyelination leads to a reduction in nerve conduction velocity.