Medical Quiz

Discovery of DNA Quiz

In Hershey Chase exp.,Protein tagging was done by-

A. Radioactive Phosphorus P37

B. Radioactive sulphur S 34

C. radioactive sulphur 35 S

D. radioactive Phosphorus 32 P

Select your answer:


Vaccines Pathophysiology Cells, Tissues and Organs Doctor Equipments Tenses Coronary Heart Diseases Wellness & Influences HHB Immunology Human Anatomy and Physiology Proteins Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Breath Health and The Environment Skin Diseases Immunity & Cancer

Other quiz:

Blood › View

Identify the definition of the medical term:CRANIOTOMY

A. Incision of the skull

B. Pertaining to the skull

C. Pertaining to the brain

D. Incision of the chest

E. Pertaining to the head

Diabetes Pathophysiology › View

Insulin resistance means that the _________ on the plasma membrane fail to recognize insulin and do not open the channels or “doors” to allow glucose in.

A. Receptors

B. Nucleus

C. Protein

D. Endoplasmic reticulum