Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal Quiz

Define type 1 muscle fibres

A. fast twitch suited to anaerobic work

B. slow twitch suited to aerobic moderate intensity work

C. moderate twitch suited to middle-distance running events

Select your answer:


Cells and Organ Systems Physio Intro Practice Organisms Nutrition Disorders of The Joints Cardiology Medications Brain/Neuron Anatomy Bacteria and Viruses Circulatory & Respiratory Surgical Nutrition Biological Organisms Classification Hematology / Oncology Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Blood types and Blood Components

Other quiz:

Radiography › View

What are the two classes of Diagnostic Radiographic Imaging

A. Flouroscopic & Analog

B. Computerized & Digital

C. Flouroscopic and Digital or computerized

D. Microscopic and flouroscopic

Digestive System › View

What does stomach acid do?

A. Chemically digests food in the mouth.

B. Chemically digests food in the stomach

C. Protects the stomach from digesting iteself

D. Absorbs nutrients from food so the body has energy.