Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What is the function of Neuron processes?

A. Conduct impulses toward the cell body

B. Produce myelin sheath

C. Conduct impulses away from the cell body

D. Transmit information away from the synapse

Select your answer:


Division of Microbiology CV System A&P & Pathology Cell & Bond Bacteria Surgical tech-safety Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Muscularskeletal System HNBS Intern Integumentary System Pathology Inflammation Muscle Anatomy Eyes and Hearing Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Musculoskeletal Disorders Forensic Odontology

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Deltoid Muscle = C5,C6 =

A. Axillary Nerve

B. Suprascapular Nerve

C. Radial Nerve

D. Ulnar Nerve

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When your patient demonstrates signs of internal bleeding, you should NOT do which of the following?

A. call 911

B. lay person down and treat for shock

C. give him water to drink