Medical Quiz

Bacterial Cell Structure Quiz

The resistance to specific pathogens, or disease-causing agents is called _________.

A. spleen

B. lymphatic system

C. anitbodies

D. immunity

Select your answer:


The Cell Tissue Repair Pathology Endocrinology Disabilities Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Inflammation and Healing Digestion Physical Education and Health Cardiopulmonary Hematology Acute Leukemias Nervous & Endocrine Systems The Human Eye Inhalation Injury Skeleton and Muscles Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle

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DNA & Types of Reproduction › View

A whole new starfish can grow from a single arm that was cut off a starfish. Based on this information, what type of reproduction is this?

A. sexual reproduction

B. asexual reproduction (fragmentation)

C. asexual reproduction (budding)

Genetics and Censorship › View

What is censorship?

A. controlling diet

B. controlling communication

C. controlling politics

D. controlling newspapers