Medical Quiz

Immunology Quiz

Which of the following is true about B-1 cells?

A. produce IgM antibodies which are polyspecific

B. express CD5

C. their antibodies could be responsible for autoimmune diseases

D. considered part of the first line of defense against systemic viral/bacterial infections

E. all of the above

Select your answer:


Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Healthy Living Vocabulary - Health Lifestyle Diseases Orthopaedic Neurology Child Development Introduction to Kinesiology Anatomy and Physiology Fat Discovery of DNA Asthma PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Orthopedic Surgeon Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Infection Control

Other quiz:

Genetics › View

How many people in this whole pedigree have the trait/disease?

A. 200%

B. 300%

C. 400%

D. 600%

Inheritance › View

What is the result of meiosis?
A. 2 daughter cells that are haploid and genetically different
B. 2 daughter cells that are haploid & identical
C. 4 daughter cells that are diploid & genetically different
D. 4 daughter cells that are haploid & genetically different