Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

According to Watson and Crick’s model, what forms the “rungs” of the DNA helix ladder?

A. Sugar-phosphate backbones

B. Purines and pyrimidines

C. Major and minor grooves

D. Antiparallel strands

Select your answer:


Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Digestive and Circulatory System Bacteria and Viruses Nutrition form 2 Burns and Skin Cancer Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Gene Cloning Human Circulatory System Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Foodborne Illness Infection Nail Disorders and Diseases Circulation of Blood Mutation & Genetic Engineering Nutrition and Human Digestive System

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Oronasal Suctioning › View

The following are the signs that patient vernon needs suctioning except:

A. restlessness

B. coughing without secretions

C. respiratory rate of 20 bpm

D. vomitus in the mouth

Child Development › View

The ability to use SMALL muscle groups is known as ___ motor skills.

A. gross 

B. moral

C. fine

D. social