Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

For the endospore cell to change back into its vegetative state, it must go through 3 steps which is activation, germination and outgrowth. Can germination of the cell can occur without the activation process?

A. Yes

B. No

Select your answer:


Terms and Definitions - Diseases Musculoskeletal Anatomy EMR - Trauma Molecular Genetics Ankle Injuries Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Breathing System Cardiovascular Organisms A Treat For Mosquitoes Vascular Pollution Inflammation and Healing Epithelial

Other quiz:

Immunity & Cancer › View

Which of the following immune responses is responsible for rejection of kidney graft?

A. Auto-immune response

B. Humoral immune response

C. Inflammatory immune response

D. Cell-mediated immune response

Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues › View

Which tissue is this?

A. Simple Squamous

B. Stratified Squamous

C. Simple cuboidal

D. Pseudostratified columnar