Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

Which type of anemia is usually present in a patient with acute leukemia?

A. microcytic, hyperchromic

B. microcytic, hypochromic

C. normocytic, normochromic

D. macrocytic, normochromic

Select your answer:


Body Fluids Beneath the Skin Dermatosis Eyes Homeotic Genes and Cancer Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Infant Nutrition Surgical tech-safety Health Care Metabolism Renal System - Pharmacology EKG Medical Term Biochemistry Breathing System Skull

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Disabilities › View

You should not be friends with people who have disabilities.



Cell and Tissue › View

What type of muscle tissue is VOLUNTARILY controlled

A. Skeletal Only

B. Skeletal and Cardiac

C. Smooth and Cardiac

D. Cardiac Only