Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

If the environment gets cold, we will often shiver in order to:

A. keep body temperature the same as the external temperature

B. decrease body temperature

C. increase body temperature

D. regulate blood pressure

Select your answer:


Infection Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Adaptive Immune System ESR (RBC sed rate) Tongue and Skin MEDICINE Measles and Hib Mouth - Stomach Regulating the Cell Cycle Water Macromolecules Disease and Immunity History of Medicine Properties of Hair and Scalp Weight Management Soldiers of Defense

Other quiz:

Stroke › View

How often a heart attack occurs in the world?

A. every 2 seconds

B. every 4 seconds

C. every 6 seconds

D. every 8 seconds

Respiratory and Circulatory › View

The gas that we inhale and is needed by the cells of the body.

A. oxygen

B. nitrogen

C. carbon dioxdie

D. unleaded