Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

When do recessive alleles show their effect in an organism’s traits?

A. In the presence of a dominant allele

B. Only in heterozygous combinations

C. Only in homozygous recessive traits

D. In all types of genetic combinations

Select your answer:


Contemporary Nutrition Issues Body Movements Central Nervous System Infectious Disease Homeostasis and Disease Vitamin Human Genetics Chest, Back, Abs Sports Medicine Discovery of DNA Human Genome and Bioethics Review Anatomy and Physiology Nervous / Sensory System Asexual Reproduction SPED Law-lympics

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Which of these are NOT found in all cells?

A. Cell membrane


C. Ribosomes

D. Lysosomes

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what does a ventricle do

A. force blood out

B. let blood in

C. exchange gases

D. remove waste