Medical Quiz

Trichology Quiz

What is the lack of pigmentation in the hair andskin called?

A. lanugo

B. anagen

C. albinism

D. alopecia

Select your answer:


Health and Nutrition Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Homeostasis - Vision Correction Tissues Dermatology A Treat For Mosquitoes Medical Terminology Hazards & Risks How the Eyes work EMR - Trauma Joints & Movement Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Epithelial Food for Thought

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As monomer liquid absorbs polymer powder, the chemical interaction produces a small ______.

A. Bead of product

B. Dry catalyst

C. Synthetic product

D. Positive reaction

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Urea is carried from the _______ to the _______.

A. stomach, liver

B. liver, kidneys

C. kidneys, stomach

D. kidneys, liver