Medical Quiz

Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Quiz

What structures make up a DNA nucleotide?

A. deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen base

B. ribose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen base

C. glucose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen base

D. cellulose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen base

Select your answer:


Surgical Vocabulary Unintentional Injuries Cell and Tissue Dementia Human Organs Vitamin DNA Replication EMR - Trauma Hematologic System Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Anatomy and Histology of Stomach HHB Immunology Major Organs Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Ecology

Other quiz:

Anatomy › View

During a muscle contraction, cross-bridges from between what two structures

A. Myosin

B. Actin and Myosin (head)

C. Actin


Nervous System › View

This is a part of the limbic system and is involved with determining pleasant or unpleasant sensations:

A. Hippocampus

B. Thalamus

C. Hypothalamus

D. Amygdala