Medical Quiz

Disease & Immunity Quiz

A new vaccine was developed and then tested on a large sample of individuals. This new vaccine will be considered effective if it helps prepare the body to fight future invasion by

A. inhibiting the response of red blood cells

B. stimulating the reproduction of microbes

C. inhibiting the action of immune cells

D. stimulating the production of antibodies

Select your answer:


Biological Molecules Heredity Defining Health and Wellness Fats And Oil Endodontic Surgery Transportation Immune Response Introduction to Histology Male Reproductive System Parathyroid Gland Polio Skeletal System MS Neurology Composition Of Human Blood Degeneration Pathology

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The ability to move your joints through a full range of motion.
A. Reaction Time
B. Flexibility
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Agility

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Radiolabelled DNA was allowed to replicate twice in a nonradioactive environment. Which of the following is true?

A. All the strands will have radioactivity

B. Half of the DNA will have no radioactivity

C. No strands will have radioactivity

D. Three–fourth of the DNA replicated will have radioactivity.