Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

Why does PCR require a specific type of polymerase?

A. Taq polymerase can withstand the range of temperatures in PCR without denaturing.

B. Taq polymerase is the most inexpensive type of polymerase.

C. Taq polymerase is the most common type of polymerase.

D. A specific type of polymerase is unnecessary.

Select your answer:


Pulmonology Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Circulatory & Respiratory System Anatomy Bones Psychiatry Transport system in Living Things (Human) Genes and Cells HFT Vitamins The Nervous System Surgical Vocabulary Central and Peripheral Nervous System Nasal Polyp Genetic Diseases EM Spectrum Orthopedic Surgeon

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What is the contractile unit formed from Z line to Z line?

A. Sarcomere

B. T Tubule

C. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

D. Fascicle

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It is the main source of energy of our body.

A. iron

B. calcium

C. carbohydrates

D. fiber