Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology Quiz

What hormone is showing an imbalance when a patient is diagnosed with Acromegaly?

A. Growth hormone

B. Cortisol

C. Luteinizing hormone


Select your answer:


Visual Impairment Lymphatic System HNBS Intern Immunology and Serology Parts of the Skin Pharmacology Limitation of Senses Contemporary Nutrition Issues Microbes Muscles Health and Nutrition Physical Education and Health Malaria Heart and Blood Vessels Excretory and Musculoskeletal System

Other quiz:

Components of Blood › View

Which of these would cause a reduction in blood plasma?

A. Dehydration

B. Iron deficiency

Microbiology › View

What is the primary purpose of using blood agar in microbiology?

A. To differentiate between lactose fermenters and non-fermenters

B. To isolate and identify enteric bacteria based on mannitol fermentation

C. To support the growth of fastidious microorganisms

D. To inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria