Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology Quiz

Which system transfers oxygen to the bloodstream

A. Respiratory

B. Cardiovascular

C. Integumentary

D. Muscular

Select your answer:


Stroke Urinary Prehabilitation and Conditioning Mouth - Stomach Cell Theory & Melanoma Medicine on the Western Front Epidemiology CP A&P: Cardiovascular Health and Diseases Eye Genetic Diseases Circulatory System and Nutrition Movement Nutritional Measurements Heart Structure and Double Circulation

Other quiz:

Human Body Systems › View

Which system is the esophagus in?
A.     digestive
B.     urinary
C.     integumentary
D.     skeletal

Cardiovascular System › View

Look at the structures and identify the name of each blood vessel

A. A: Vein
B: Artery
C :Capillary

B. A: Artery
B: Vein
C: Capillary

C. A: Capillary
B: Vein
C: Artery

D. A: Artery
B: Capilary
C: Vein