Medical Quiz

Vascular Quiz

During duplex evaluation of a patient post-CEA, residual plaque is noted at the distal end of the surgical site, creating an abrupt edge of the arterial wall. What is this defect commonly called?

A. shelf lesion

B. intimal flap

C. dissection

D. myointimal hyperplasia

Select your answer:


Infection Detection Mycology Oral Hygiene Physical Health and Diseases Inhalation Injury Joints in our Body Surgical Nutrition First Aid Check up Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Dermis Human Genome and Bioethics Review BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Teeths Neuron Structure

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Anatomy Muscles › View

The muscles that turn the hand inward so the palm faces downward are the_____.

A. flexors

B. supinators

C. pronators

D. levitators

Biology › View

What do we use radioactive isotopes for?

A. To determine the age of rocks

B. To treat cancer

C. As a “tracer” in medical diagnosis

D. All of the above