Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

What structures are found along lymphatic vessels and are heavily clustered in the armpit, groin, and neck?

A. Tonsils

B. Lymph Nodes

C. Thymus


Select your answer:


Neuroanatomy of CNS Hematology Acute Leukemias Skeletal System Vocabulary 5 Major Food Groups CVA Weight Management Intravenous Fluid Therapy Cardiovascular Nursing Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Pathology Health and The Environment Cardiology Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Respiration Anatomy and Physiology T Cells

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A. solid tumors that grow in tissues that form blood cells

B. something that causes a genetic mutations

C. any substance that increases the risk of cancer

D. gene mutated to cause cancer

Disease Cards › View

Virus transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito; fever, headache, body aches, and continued fatigue weeks to months after exposure

A. Lyme Disease

B. Trichinosis

C. West Nile Virus

D. Clostridium Tetani