Medical Quiz

Special Senses Quiz

What disorder could be treated by the surgical insertion of an artificial stapes?

A. Otosclerosis

B. Meniere’s disease

C. Otitis media

D. Sensory hearing loss

Select your answer:


Urinary System and Fluid Balance Medication Administration MEDICINE Unintentional Injuries Med Term Musculoskeletal Hospital Unit Malaria Energy and Metabolism Vocabulary Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Inheritance Uses of Radioactive Radiation Types of Doctors All About Bacteria Chemistry

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The glomerular pathology that leads to Nephrotic syndrome is

A. reduced perfusion pressure in the arterioles

B. damage to the basement membrane podocytes

C. mesangial inflammation

D. increased intraglomerular pressure

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Which of the following is a symptom commonly associated with acute inflammation?

A. Fever

B. Fibrosis

C. Chronic pain

D. Scar formation