Medical Quiz

Life Cycle - Bee Quiz

Where can we find the bee hive?

A. We can find the bee hive by the flowers in the garden.

B. We can find the bee hive by our school.

C. We can find the bee hive hidden in a big tree.

Select your answer:


Skeleton Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Body Structures and Organ Systems Physical Activity Humanistic and Biological Psychology BTEC Biological Approach Revise Circulatory & Respiratory System Brain/Neuron Anatomy Pulmonary Edema and CHF Skin and Derivatives MS Neurology Human Brain Muscle Histology Infection Control Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors

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A. bad diet

B. accumulation of bacteria and plaque on teeth and in gingival sulcus

C. not brushing teeth daily