Medical Quiz

Diseases Quiz


A. Protozoa

B. Fungus

C. Virus

Select your answer:


Homeostasis - Vision Correction Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Neurological Disorders Organization of Systems Nutrients in Food Physical DNA Structure and Function Biochemistry of Diabetes Med Term Musculoskeletal Kinetics Bone Proteins Human Muscle Musculoskeletal - Clinical

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Transport system in Living Things (Human) › View

Which of the following statement is true?

A. Blood is a fluid organ, consisting of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cell and platelets. 

B. Plasma contains mainly red blood cell

C. The plasma transports digested food from the small intestine to other parts of the body

D. blood is not a transport medium

Biology › View

What is the use of Rhizobium?

A. fix large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen

B. used as a source of protein

C. promote plant growth by mechanisms of tolerance of abiotic stresses

D. None of these