Medical Quiz

Covid-19 Quiz

The coronavirus possibly came from

A. a bat

B. a snake

C. reptile – pangolins

D. all of the above

Select your answer:


Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Fluid and Electrolytes Food and Nutrition Cosmetology Pollution Healthy Foundations PHE Healthy Lifestyle Biotechnology Medicine on the Western Front Bonding and the Periodic Table Vision Cardiovascular Med Terms Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Fat Diseases & Disorders

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Covers body surfaces and lines body cavities to form boundaries as well as protect, absorb and filter substances

A. Nervous Tissue

B. Muscle Tissue

C. Connective Tissue

D. Epithelial Tissue

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Which type of fatty acid is known for being good for heart health?

A. cholesterol

B. omega-3

C. trans fatty acids

D. saturated fatty acids