Medical Quiz

Fat Quiz

What food group do eggs belong to?
A. Fats and sugar
B. Fruit and Vegetables
C. Dairy
D. Carbohydrates

Select your answer:


Renal Pharmacology Medical Careers Health Issues and Concerns Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Neurology Introduction to Histology Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Respiratory and Circulatory Biodiversity Obstructive Lung Disease General Microbiology and Immunology Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes The Chemistry of Microbiology Urinary Diversity

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Which of the following element is essential for the formation of protein?

A. N2

B. Na

C. Ca

D. Fe

Ankle Injuries › View

A grade 3 ankle sprain is:

A. complete tear of a tendon

B. complete tear of a ligament

C. partial tear of a tendon

D. partial tear of a ligament