Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz

Which of the following is true about the paranasal sinuses?

A. They serve as structures for air to be warmed & humidified.

B. They increase the weight of the skull.

C. There are a total of 5 paranasal sinuses.

D. They are named after the cartilage that it is made of.

Select your answer:


Personal Growth Plan Public Health and Genetic Disease Muscles Living Organisms Vision (AP Psych) Dermatology Vocabulary Common Diseases in Human Beings Anatomy and Physiology Myocarditis Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Type of Dementia Cell Membrane and Transport Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Uses of Radioactive Radiation History of Immunology

Other quiz:

Autoimmune Disease › View

Which of the following best describes “molecular mimicry” in autoimmune diseases?

A. The immune system mistakes self-antigens for microbial antigens

B. The immune system recognizes self-cells as “non-self” due to genetic mutation

C. B cells are activated inappropriately by self-antigens

D. T cells lose the ability to recognize self-tissues

Anatomy - Cellular Respiration › View

Plants do not go through cellular respiration