Medical Quiz

Central Nervous System Quiz

If you had one word to describe the function of the parietal lobe it would be:

A. Movement

B. Sensory

C. Balance

D. Emotions

Select your answer:


Major Organs Obesity Digestion Trauma Characteristics of Life Health Unit Coordinating Polio Illness and Symptoms Immunisation Blood Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Ortho Ward Simulation Vessels Your Body Integumentary System Medical Terminology

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Pathology › View

A 65-year-old man suffered a massive myocardial infarction that was complicated by shock and prolonged hypotension. On arrival in the emergency department he was found to have focal neurological signs in addition to features consistent with low-output cardiac failure. Despite the best efforts of the medical team he died the next day. At autopsy, the most likely change you would expect to see in a brain biopsy would be:

A. Acute haemorrhagic change

B. Coagulative necrosis

C. Granulomatous change

D. Lacunar infarct

E. Liquefactive necrosis

Respiratory System › View

Which of the following is true about the paranasal sinuses?

A. They serve as structures for air to be warmed & humidified.

B. They increase the weight of the skull.

C. There are a total of 5 paranasal sinuses.

D. They are named after the cartilage that it is made of.