★ Vitamins and Minerals Quiz
Which nutrient found in fruits would a doctor most likely recommend to help boost the immune system?
A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin K
Select your answer:
Kidney - Loop of Henlé Anatomy and Physiology The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics SSTI and Bone Infections Sterile Medication Products Blood and Bones Endocrinology Unintentional Injuries Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Biomedical Composition Of Human Blood Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Myocarditis Asexual Reproduction Components of FoodOther quiz:
Pharmacology › Viewthe term used to describe the capacity to cause birth defects is
A. repoductivity
B. carcinogenicity
C. teratogenicity
D. theriogenicity
Geriatrics › View
the first change noticed by most people is a decrease in the rate or speed of their activity