Medical Quiz

Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Quiz

How can a somatic diploid split its cytoplasm into two?

A. mioisis

B. meitosis

C. mitosis

D. meiosis

Select your answer:


Herd Immunity Immunisation The Human Eye Infectious Disease IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion PHE Healthy Lifestyle Cardiovascular Malaria Respiratory Acidosis Cell Transport The Teeth Microbes Name that Pathogen Surgical tech-safety Cardiovascular and Respiratory

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Carry blood toward heart; mostly oxygen-poor

A. Arteries

B. Veins

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Francis fell off his bike and scraped his knee. His knee became red and swollen. This is an example of what process?

A. The process of converting stimuli into electrical signals

B. The ability to sense and respond to extreme temperatures

C. The response of the immune system to injury or infection

D. A condition characterized by extreme fatigue