Medical Quiz

Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Quiz

when a person repeats words, phrases, questions, or actions:

A. perserveration

B. pacing

C. wandering

D. sundowning

Select your answer:


Reproduction in Human Beings Covid-19 Epidemiology Nephrology (Hemodialysis) The Vascular System and Blood Flow Urinary System and Fluid Balance Nervous System and Special Senses Circulatory & Lymphatic Eye Histology Diseases of The Digestive System Cell Cycle; Cancer Cariology Normal Radiographic Anatomy Endocrine System Disorders Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins

Other quiz:

Stroke › View

Which symptom is not a typical stroke symptom

A. Facial drooping

B. not crooked mouth

C. cannot keeping hands up

D. strange and slurred speach

Neurological Disorders › View

A chronic, slowly progressive disease of the central nervous system that destroys the myelin sheath of nerve cell axons

A. multiple sclerosis

B. epilepsy

C. Parkinson’s disease

D. Alzheimer’s disease