Medical Quiz

Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Quiz

when a person repeats words, phrases, questions, or actions:

A. perserveration

B. pacing

C. wandering

D. sundowning

Select your answer:


Physical Vision (AP Psych) Immunology and Serology Hospice Basics Source of Food Nail Disorders and Diseases Skeletal Tissue Nutrient Cycling Nervous & Endocrine Systems Macro and Micro Nutrients Upper Limb Contemporary Nutrition Issues Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Joints in our Body Differentiation and Division of Human Cells

Other quiz:

Hematology › View

CML is distinguished from leukomoid reaction by which of the following?

A. CML low LAP; leukomoid high LAP

B. CML high LAP; leukomoid low LAP

C. CML high WBC; leukomoid normal WBC

D. CML high WBC; leukomoid high WBC

Principles of Microbiology › View

Which is NOT a condition for microorganisms to exist and thrive?

A. Help in purifying wastewater

B. A suitable temperature

C. Oxygen availability for some bacteria

D. Moisture