★ Dimensions of Wellness Quiz
The study of nutrients and how your body uses them.
A. Geology
B. Science
C. Health
D. Nutrition
Select your answer:
Deficiency Diseases Physiothearpy in Neurology Water Macromolecules Radiation and Health Wellness Vocabulary Genetic Engineering Immune System DNA Structure and Function The Human Eye BTEC Biological Approach Revise PHE Cellular Transport and Metabolism Biomedical Illness and Symptoms Tongue and SkinOther quiz:
Embryology › ViewIntine is made of
A. Pecto-cellulose
B. Sporopollenin
C. Callose
D. Pollenkitt
Cell Structure and Function Concept › View
Describe the function of the vacuole.
A. To synthesize proteins
B. To store water and nutrients
C. To produce ATP
D. To regulate cell growth