Medical Quiz

Characteristics of Life & Viruses Quiz

If Alana has the flu and is showing symptoms, the virus is in the _______________ cycle.

A. lytic

B. lysogenic

C. replicating

D. dormant

Select your answer:


Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Integumentary System & Body Directions Nutrition in Humans and Animals Child Growth and Development Hemodynamic Disorder SPED Law-lympics Body System Interactions Leaves Anatomy -ology Introduction to Pharmacology Pathology Endocrine CNA Introduction Respiratory and Urinary Doctor Equipments

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Which of the following diseases can be treated with Thiamine B1

A. Beri beri

B. Senile osteoporosis

C. Pellagra

D. Scurvy

Thyroid Gland › View

What supply is needed for a correct functioning of thyroid ?

A. Iodine

B. Calcium

C. Vitamin C

D. Sugar