Medical Quiz

Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Quiz


Tiny, thin walled blood vessels that exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide

A. capillary beds

B. aterioles

C. venuoles

low pressure, slow moving, no pulse

A. artery

B. vein

carries blood to the heart

A. artery

B. vein

pushes oxygenated blood out of the heart to the entire body

A. hepatic portal vein

B. renal vein

C. aorta

D. vena cava

Lungs give blood:

A. oxygen

B. glucose

C. nitrogen waste

D. carbon dioxide

deoxygenated blood

A. artery

B. vein

delivers “cleaned” blood from the liver to the heart

A. hepatic portal vein

B. renal vein

C. aorta

D. vena cava

High pressure, fast moving, has a pulse

A. artery

B. vein

Filters blood for toxins and waste

A. liver and kidney

B. liver and bladder

C. kidney and gallbladder

D. pancreas and liver

Intestines give blood:

A. fats

B. glucose

C. proteins

D. all of the above

oxygenated blood

A. artery

B. vein

neck artery

A. carotid

B. jugular

carries blood away from the heart

A. artery

B. vein

delivers “cleaned” blood from the kidney to the heart

A. hepatic portal vein

B. renal vein

C. aorta

D. vena cava

brings deoxygenated blood from the entire body into the heart

A. hepatic portal vein

B. renal vein

C. aorta

D. vena cava


Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Excretion Cell Adaptive Immune System Infectious Disease and Pathogens Enzymes and Movement of Substances Oncology Pharmacology Calculations Endocrine System and Nervous System Vision and Hearing Defects Brain/Neuron Anatomy Non-Communicable Disease EMR Pathophysiology Reproduction in Human Beings Microrganisms